Installing and using memoQ is an easy process that should take no more than 5-10 minutes. Here is a step by step guide on how to install it.
![]() Some of our clients have ongoing and prospective projects with Pemex. This article, published in El Economista last fall, explains overall P&L results for Pemex. What will Pemex financial difficulties mean for ongoing and upcoming Pemex investments? As of the 3Q of 2014 (with an average exchange rate of $13.5/dollar) Pemex showed an accumulated loss of 11.3 billion Dollars. This loss represents an increase of 59.8% over 3Q Results for 2013. Pemex’s Treasury Department informed that this could delay planned investment projects. Let’s Start the New Year Off Right! The language lovers author Umberto Ecco has written some great books about linguistics and language, including The Search for the Perfect Language and Serendipity. His works got us thinking about language, ideal language, and humanity’s search for the perfect language.
New 2015 EU food labeling regulations are going to leave a lot of companies unprepared. Mistranslations of food products can be funny, but for the companies producing the food, they can be disastrous. Seriously, friends don’t let friends translate their food. That nice intern who speaks whatever language you need your packaging translated into? No, no, and no. For 2015 promise yourself to find a translation agency and do it right the first time. It breaks our hearts (literally) when businesses come to us after the fact, having lost time and money, needing their work redone, this time professionally.
Hint: It’s not the dictionary’s fault. Recently, there’s been a lot of rage when certain words literally change meaning. In particular, the word literally changed to mean figuratively. Well, whose fault is that?
The translation field is growing in double digits. Become a translator in 2015 and join the ranks of people we love working with. Translation is a career that isn’t for everyone: You need to be bilingual or multilingual to start, then spend time learning the art and science of translation. Ideally, you are also trained in another profession, which you specialize in.
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